soin et beauté, huile de jojoba naturelle, huile de jojoba¨100% pure, huile de jojoba pressée à froid, huile de jojoba pour les cheveux huile de jojoba lire attentivement la notice avant toute utilisation
soin et beauté, huile de jojoba naturelle, huile de jojoba¨100% pure, huile de jojoba pressée à froid, huile de jojoba pour les cheveux huile de jojoba lire attentivement la notice avant toute utilisation
€25,74 EUR
€25,74 EUR
Découvrez notre huile de jojoba pure, pressée à froid pour des cheveux sains et brillants. 100% naturelle, elle offre une hydratation profonde et régule la production de sébum pour des cheveux équilibrés. Utilisez-la avec précaution en suivant les instructions et profitez de ses multiples bienfaits.
1 | Security Warning May be sensitive to skin. Please keep this product out of reach of children. Avoid using it for infants or young children. Essential oils, due to their concentrated nature, may cause sensitivity if used in undiluted form. |
2 | This product shall not be used for diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. This product cannot replace medication. The statement regarding dietary supplements has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration and is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. |
Detailed description
1 | High quality carrier oil -100% pure natural undiluted jojoba oil, naturally cold pressed from jojoba seeds. Free from fillers, additives, or artificial substances. Aceite de jojoba 100 puro y natural |
2 | Ethical source - SenseLab's Jojoba oil is manufactured in India and only uses high-quality seeds from the most trusted growers in the United States. |
3 | Amazing Pure Jojoba Oil - Compared to other carrier oils, Jojoba oil contains some of the longest essential fatty acid chains. This means that jojoba oil is very stable and can be used to dilute your favorite essential oils |
4 | Unlimited possibilities - Our jojoba oil is naturally perfect for hair care, skin care, and nail care. Smooth body oil, an ancient Greek remedial oil |
5 | Customer Service - If for any reason you are not satisfied with our carrier oil or especially our jojoba oil, we will provide you with a full refund without any issues |